Owner of Saucez, Ludovic Dormal sells sauces for individuals and independent

1. Information about Saucez-vous

- Registered office: Saucez-Vous, 10 rue Albert-François de Maillen, 5361 Mohiville, Belgium.

- Phone: +32 (0) 475764947

- E-mail: saucezvous@gmail.com

- VAT identification number: BE 0845.170.995

2. Website hosting

This website is hosted by Pixfactory multimedia agency

- Address: 89, rue Mottiaux, 5100 - Jambes Belgium

- Phone: +32 (0) 81229990

- E-mail: info@pixfactory.be

3. Computer Law and Freedom

In accordance with the law of January 6, 1978 relating to data, files and freedoms, you have a right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you. For this you can contact us by:

- Courrier: Saucez-Vous, 10 rue Albert-François de Maillen, 5361 Mohiville, Belgium.

- E-mail: saucezvous@gmail.com

4. Pictures

The images and photos used on our website as well as on our printed documents are not contractual and are for illustrative purposes only. Any reproduction, even partial, is strictly forbidden.

5. Achievement

Website created by www.pixfactory.be